Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

This is for my dad and my late mother.

12 April 2023 (Wednesday) is a date that will always remain in my memory. I had the opportunity to be interviewed at Bangi recently. After performing the Subuh prayer, I took off on my Gixxer 750 and arrived in Bangi around 8.30 am. Praise be to Allah and thanks to the interviewers, I was offered a new job here after my mom passed away.

Once I was done with the interview, Dr. Feham contacted me. Dr requested me to submit the 3MT video, and I answered back that I haven't finished the proposal defence yet. He said that I had completed the colloquium hence I just need to do it and turn it in before 11.59 pm on the same day.

Then, I headed back to Kuala Kangsar around 11.30 am, and arrived at 2-3 pm. I don’t understand how to do it, I just watched some videos that were available. I created the slides and attempted to record them several times.

After Asar, that was a sad and hopeless moment. I cannot think very well when I recorded the video and my mom shouted at me in pain: “Paannnnnn, sakittttt”. This always happened when the painkillers wear off after every 4 hours. I stop and look at my mom for a while. Then, I continued the recording after several attempts when she called me again, again and again, almost 4-5 trials. I almost gave up.

Maghrib was around the corner. I said, okay this is enough, just submit it. I can't do it anymore. I’m so tired.

Alhamdulillah, i was very shocked that I won and got the prize for this. I'm also one out of the six finalists chosen at the university level and became the ISTAC representative for this 3MT.

Alhamudlillah thank you abah, mak, my wife Far Rabia , my brothers and sisters, my supervisors Prof. Rahmah binti Ahmad H. Osman and Dr Anwar Bin Ahmad , lecturers (IIUM & ISTAC), all my friends and my students who always support me. This is one step closer to my journey as a PhD student.

I said to myself: “Nothing can stop me if any matters related to my Abah and Mak”. After my mother's demise, suddenly I said to Abah: “Can you wait for my PhD”.

This is what I want to say to my mother when the doctor said that my mother only had 3-6 months left, but I can’t say it because that pain was very very very hurtful and hard for my mother. "Whenever night falls, you can’t go to sleep until after she does".

O Allah! Forgive her and have mercy on her. Grant her ease and respite. Make her resting place a noble one, and facilitate her entry. Wash her with the most pure and clean water, snow and hail. Purify her from sins as a white garment is cleansed of dirt. Give her in exchange a home better than her home (on earth) and a family better than her family. Grant her entrance to Paradise and protect her from the trials of the grave and the torture of Hell Fire.

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